Cordico - Peer Support Access
    • 12 Jun 2024
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    Cordico - Peer Support Access

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    Article summary

    Our app provides a comprehensive platform to support your well-being and mental health. One of the most impactful features is the provision of peer support resources. If your agency has such a system in place, our app allows you to connect seamlessly with trained peer support members within your agency or network.

    Locating Your Peer Support Team

    The first step to accessing the peer support resources is locating your peer support team. To do this, simply look at the top left corner of your home screen. The app's directory also houses this information.

    Accessing the Peer Support Tab

    The next step is finding the Peer Support Tab in the directory. This is where you'll find a list of all available peer support members. To view this list, click on the downward arrow on the Peer Support Tab.

    Connecting with a Peer Support Member

    Once you've opened the Peer Support Tab and can see the list of members, you can choose who you'd like to connect with. You might select someone based on their expertise, their role, or simply because their profile resonates with you.

    To initiate a conversation, locate the name of the peer support member you want to talk to. Right below their name, there's a call button. Press this button to start the call.

    A screenshot of a phone

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    Remember, the peer support resources are there to provide help and support. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need to talk, ask questions, or seek advice. The app is designed to create a supportive and connected community, so make the most of these resources at your disposal.

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