Academy - Custom Certificates
    • 09 Sep 2024
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    Academy - Custom Certificates

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    Article summary

    Creating a Custom Certificate

    Note: Administrator Permissions Are Required to Create and Edit Custom Certificates

    Creating / Editing a New Custom Certificate

    1. To access the custom certificate feature open the “Admin” tab and choose “Manage Custom Certificates”.

    2. Click on “Create Custom Certificate” to create a new certificate or “Edit” next to the certificate you want to edit in the List.

      A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
    3. Enter the name you would like to use for the Custom Certificate template.
    4. Select one of the 3 Custom Certificate templates layout you would like to use and begin uploading images*(see below) and completing the text fields as desired.

      A screenshot of a certificate  Description automatically generated
    5. Once you have completed your custom certificate template click “Save” on the bottom of the page.
    6. After saving click “Back to List” to create a new custom certificate or edit an existing one.
      A red rectangle with white text  Description automatically generated


    There are 3 customizable template types. The images and custom text fields are mapped out below for each template.

    Template 1:

    A certificate of completion with red text and black text  Description automatically generated

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    Template 2:

    A white certificate with red text and black text  Description automatically generated

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    Template 3:

    A certificate of completion with red text  Description automatically generated

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    *Uploaded Image Requirements and Recommendations

    There are 4 categories of images that are used in the customer certificates

    A black circle with white text  Description automatically generated Standard Logo (Compatible with Square and Wide images)

    A grey and white logo  Description automatically generated Wide Logo (Template 3, supports only wide aspect images)

    A blue line with a curved line  Description automatically generated with medium confidence Signature (wide aspect ratio recommended with transparent background)

    A logo with a swirly pattern  Description automatically generated with medium confidenceSeal (Square aspect ratio recommended with transparent background and image transparency set to 40% for best results)

    All 4 categories support the following file formats

    1. PNG
    2. SVG
    3. JPG

    PNG and SVG are recommended since they support transparent backgrounds

    Assigning Custom Certificates to External Training

    Whether Creating or Editing an external training record you have the ability to assign a custom certificate to an external training record. To do so select “External Training” under the “Training” tab.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

    When opened you will see 3 options.

    1. Generate a Certificate
    2. Certificate Type (visible if you choose to generate a certificate)
    3. List of available custom certificates (visible if you choose to use a custom certificate)

    If you choose (Yes) to generate a certificate with an external training record you will be presented with an option to use the default certificate or choose from a list of previously created custom course certificates.

    A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated

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