- 27 Aug 2022
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Academy - How to Limit Fails and Attempts for Quizzes and Tests
- Updated on 27 Aug 2022
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This article applies to:
PoliceOne Academy, FireRescue1 Academy, CorrectionsOne Academy, EMS1 Academy, LocalGovU, and white-label sites
As an admin, there may be times when you need to limit the number of times members can fail a course before they are locked out of a course.
To limit fails and attempts for quizzes and tests, follow the steps below:
- Go to the Admin menu item and click the Customize link that appears in the drop-down list
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the Organization Settings section
- Check the Set a maximum number of attempts for quizzes and test checkbox to enable this feature:
- If you’d like to only unlock courses when Admins explicitly unlock them, enter the number of times members should be allowed to attempt and fail the course before the course is locked for them in the Allow XX attempts before Course is locked for Use field.
- If you’d like to have the system automatically unlock lock courses after a certain period of time, check the Use unlock by hours. checkbox and enter the number of hours that should pass before the course unlocks in the Unlock courses with too many failed attempts after XX hours field.
- Click the Submit button to save your new settings.
If you need to manually unlock a locked course after the attempts limit has been exceeded by a member, navigate to Admin in the main navigation menu and click the Unlock Courses link
The Unlock Courses page lists all instances where members are locked out of courses. To unlock a locked course, click the Unlock button on the right side of the instance that lists the desired member and course combination.