EVALS - Skills
    • 04 Nov 2020
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    EVALS - Skills

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    Article summary


    1. By clicking +New Skill you can start creating a new Skill.
      1. Enter the Skills Name here.
      2. Choose a Section that applies to this Skill
      3. Choose a Subject that applies to this Skill
      4. Here you can add a list of Materials needed to accomplish this Skill if any Materials are needed.
      5. Here you can add the Directions needed to accomplish this Skill if any Directions are needed.
      6. By checking this box Students will have Access to this Skill. Below you can enter Tags/Labels/Keywords. These are used to make Skills easier to search in Class Scores.
      7. Here you can attach any Document(s) that apply to this Skill. 
      8. Enter the scoring step in the text box followed by the type of score you wish to apply to this step (Pass, Fall, Critical Fail, Allow N/A, Non-Scoring Step).
      9. Click here to Add a New Step
      10. After the Skill has been completed click Save.
    2. Click here to Import Skills from other Programs or Modules
    3. Click here to sort the Skills by Section.
    4. Click here to sort the Skills by Subject.
    5. Type here to search for a specific Skill.
    6. By clicking here, you can view this Skill.
    7. By clicking here, you can Edit this Skill if the Skill is not locked. Skills are locked from making Edits once the Skill has a score associated with it or if the Skill is being used my another Module in your Program.
    8. Click here to Duplicate the Skill
    9. Click here to Remove the Skill from the Module if the Skill has not been used
    10. Click here to Archive a Skill you no longer need in the module. 
    11. Click here to Delete the Skill if the Skill has no scores and is not being used by another Module


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